Chipotle Sloppy Joe

Prepare to get messy because it’s Sloppy Joe Week. First on deck – the Chipotle Sloppy Joe. Maybe a little Alesmith ESB (Extra Special Bitter) to season the meat? We think yes. The recipe is here.

chipotle sloppy joe - the sam livecast

Here we are ladies & gentlemen, a day that’s been coming for a couple months. I speak of course, of the Cook Your Way to Kauai FINALE!!
Booya, we’re so excited. It’s Ayako vs Miriam – two tough competitors anxious to come out on top.

Who will win, who will come to Kauai with the Livecast crew? Who…Who…?

ayako winning kauai dish - the sam livecast

miriam kauai finale dish - the sam livecast

cook your way to kauai finale ayako and miriam - the sam livecast

Edamame Mash

Somehow it became Edamame Week by accident.  And though accidents are normally bad – edamame week has been very good.  And as you wait for the finale of the ‘Cook Your Way to Kauai Competition’ (this Friday – Ayako vs. Miriam) try your hand at this superbly delicious change from mashed potatoes.   Edamame mash is not only great in flavor – but it’s nearly radioactive in color – fantastic!!!

edamame mash - the sam livecast

Edamame Bread

Edamame is not just a snack while you wait for your sushi. And blended with a couple other things it makes a delicious topping and a great change from garlic or cheese bread. Happy apping.

edamame bread 2 - the sam livecast

edamame bread 1 - the sam livecast

The Cook Your Way to Kauai Semifinals conclude with Ayako and Huyen fighting for the chance to go against Miriam in the championship round. The ladies had to feature eggs as the main ingredient – the winner is one step away from joining the entire Livecast crew for a week of luxury in Kauai.

huyen semifinal dish - the sam livecast

ayako semifinal dish - the sam livecast