What do you do when your boys catch fresh salmon from Canada? You make some amazing appetizers that take advantage of its freshness and taste. It doesn’t have to be caught right off the boat but if you happen to stumble across some good salmon, make sure to try this tartare and raw salmon appetizer that will definitely blow your guests away.


Greek yogurt is versatile. We find that out on Wednesday’s episode as we make four (count ‘em) dishes with it. The great thing about this ingredient? It’s pretty darn healthy and it’s pretty darn tasty. Just watch: lamb meatballs with a lime and mint yogurt sauce, salmon with a dill yogurt sauce, and two types of ways to eat it straight up.

Way too hot to cook? Well don’t, just make stuff without the heat. Like this simple and delicious crab roll. It’s like a lobster roll but… not. Don’t forget to put that blender to good use. Our mango, lime, rum, freeze-y thing (ed. note: it’s a granita Sam) is just the thing to beat the heat.

Continuing with “It’s too hot to cook” week here on The Sam Livecast, we make a simple and refreshing watermelon and avocado salad with fresh herbs! Sometimes you really don’t have to fire up the grill or the burners to have a great meal. This salad is great on by itself or with some other little side dishes. Wait until you see what we make on Episode 162.

America is so hot right now. So to celebrate we’re starting “It’s too hot to cook” week here on the livecast. Tonight we make a refreshingly tasty cold udon salad and a crunchy Asian-inspired garlic bread to go with it. We know it’s warm out there, but you still gotta eat. We’re here to help.
