Well, apparently you people really like spam! We have been getting a great response from everybody after the last show and we just want to thank you all for spreading the word about the Livecast. After dicing the spam last week and tossing it into a pan, this week Sam sliced off little patties of the spam and proceeded to give them so color in a hot grill pan. After doing the same thing with some pineapple slices and warming a little hawaiian roll (heat changes things), we we’re ready to put together our perfect little bites of hawaiian heaven – don’t forget the teriyaki mayo!
We also managed to catch up on the latest installment in the Paula Dean controversy, chatted about the upcoming MasterChef episode, highlighted some viewer comments and wrapped up with the top ten list of highest paid chefs in the industry. Next up is MasterChef Friday’s – we’ve got something special planned so be sure not to miss.
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