
So here we are, working our way towards episode 100 and I’m in Vegas (make that I’m in Vegas with Blue Steel) and can’t be there live for you this week. We do though have a classic Livecast episode for you to enjoy, so sit back and relax. But just a warning – if you have a low gag threshold, you may want to shut your eyes when the fish roe appears…it’s not pretty.

Tonight on The Sam Livecast we find out two things: 1) 9v batteries is our lifeblood, without them, the show gets weird (like a fun weird though) and 2) Sam can make a mean vegetarian sandwich that tastes amazing. Don’t forget that next week we won’t have any new livecasts and as bummed as we are about not filming, we plan on storming back the following week starting on Monday, January 16th. Find our livecast on the iTunes podcast page, leave us a comment about how we’re doing and suggest what our 100th episode should be about on our Facebook page.

Tonight we chat with the great NY foodie Art Bovino from www.thedailymeal.com and make a delicious and simple (isn’t it always?) BBQ Chicken Slider. Soft, toasty sweet Hawaiian rolls with rotisserie chicken smothered in BBQ sauce (and a splash of vinegar for tang), topped with onion rings and cole slaw for a crispy/cool bite. Trust me, you haven’t made anything this good and easy in a long time (unless you’re a big-time Sam fan).

Want to start your 2012 with something really interesting (and delicious)? Make a dipping array of goodness with these creative dipping sauces you can make from some stuff lying around your pantry. We also talk to Jill Donenfeld of The Culinistas and learn about how she started her amazing company that landed her on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list this year! Don’t miss today’s livecast!

What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? You’re making crab legs and impressing the pants off of your guests, that’s what you’re doing. All you need is a microwave. Thaw crab legs, zap in microwave, melt butter, add garlic/chipotle powder/pepper. Done. You can also drop a jarred hibiscus flower in a champagne flute full of bubbly. That’s also impressive. It’s been a wonderful 2012 livecasters, we look forward to seeing you next year. Thanks for tuning in and we can’t wait to give you another year of The Sam Livecast.