We press on through Olive Week with this simple yet mouthwatering appetizer. Blue Cheese, diced olives, and a beautiful sourdough baguette – that’s all you need to know!

Find the recipe here.

blue cheese olive bread - the sam livecast

Another week of shows is upon us, and after all the fun that came with Thing on Sticks Week we have something equally delectable to follow it up – Olive Week. We start by busting out a homemade olive tapenade. While that was being processed, Sam seared a beautiful piece of Halibut to serve as the perfect complement to the salty tapenade. This piece of fish could not have been cooked more perfectly.

Along with the cooking we had some more discussion about the upcoming cooking competition (win a trip to Kauai!), managed to get even more examples of grocery carts being used as trash bins in other cities, and finally heard Lynn recount an interesting experience he recently had at a restaurant. We’re back Wednesday with more Olive fun – see you then.

olive tapenade halibut - the sam livecast

We continue a unique week with a unique cooking-centered episode. Sam decided to create his own skewers, and let’s just say the results were mixed. The first was a haloumi cheese and bread combo, skewered and then thrown on the grill alongside the second option, a french toast and bacon mixture. Both were delicious – one, however, managed to stay together a lot better. You’ll have to watch to see which one worked out!

Oh, and did we forget to mention the fact that we launched a BRAND NEW cooking competition!? Of which the winner will receive a FREE TRIP TO KAUAI!? WITH THE LIVECAST CREW! We hope you’re as excited as we are. Head to www.thecookingguy.com to see all the details of the competition.

french toast bacon skewers - the sam livecast

cheese bread skewers - the sam livecast

It’s day 2 of ‘Things on Sticks’ week and of course we make delicious hoisin beef skewers. But Sam is also just back from Vancouver and as usual has many pictures to share, including of course one or two from the plane. Trust us – he’s the last guy you want to sit beside on a flight…

hoisin beef skewers - the sam livecast

Another week is here and we sincerely hope you are ready for what we’ve got for you: Things-on-Sticks Week! Who doesn’t love a good corn dog? Or maybe even the cheese version from Hot Dog on a Stick? Today Sam and the boys will be discussing why he chose this week’s theme and also some of his favorite food items on sticks. From there we get an update on Sam’s issues with the trash at the grocery store (let’s just say he may have reached out to speak with a certain grocery store manager), another round of Cronuts and of course the usual Livecast shenanigans. It’s a new week people, let’s make the most of it!

yakitori chicken - the sam livecast