Tonight we started off the show with Sam putting together his signature white (as opposed to red) enchiladas. We also had a guest blogger in the house, Marie from After we sat down we took some suggestions for new themed shows (everything from garlic week to avocado week to Thai week), we discussed the proper etiquette for tipping and what you should do when faced with bad service. Then we saw what a flaming Mexican coffee is all about and then heard what Sam would do when in trouble with the Mexican drug cartels (huh???). We’re back tomorrow for our Friday (your Thursday) and another great show so we’ll see you then!

‘Ello ‘ello! Tonight was British Food day at The Sam Livecast and man was it a lot of fun. We started the show with Sam making a Shepherd’s Pie, sipping on some Boddington’s pub ale straight from Great Britain and showing us his great (not really) British accent. After that we checked out some articles from the “Union Jack”, saw a few banned British commercials, saw the costumes that Sam used in his Halloween TV show, and introduced the new Sam Livecast Google+ hangout. We did the next installment of “Who eats this shit?” and then finally pulled the Shephaerd’s pie out of the oven and went to town. We’re back on Wednesday with another great show so we’ll see you then! Hope the start of your week is going well Livecast nation, peace out.

Tonight’s show was our first Livecast in the rain! It was coming down hard here in San Diego but regardless we still brought you a great show. We started off at the top with Sam making a Cuba Libre, the national drink of Cuba which is essentially a rum and Coke with a bunch of lime. Once we sat down Sam went through his 10 favorite kitchen tools and showed us how and when to use them. After that we had some discussion about purple asparagus, other cool fruits/veggies from the grocery store, a 47 foot bratwurst, and our collective crew’s maturity (among other things). We finally closed the show with Sam’s deceptively delicious fish stick tacos (don’t knock them before you’ve tried them!) and the crew went wild. We’re back tomorrow night with another great show so we’ll cya then!

We covered a lot of ground tonight for a Monday. Sam started off by getting some onions & green peppers cut up and cooking for the brats–hey, it’s Oktoberfest bitches!!! We talked about whether Pippa enhanced her butt in the dress she wore at her sisters wedding. Then we chatted about Hooters’ lawsuit against ‘Twin Peaks Restaurants’ for stealing “sensitive” business information. Believe it or not, Sam actually had a segment about ‘why he LIKES the Food Network’. And finally, he did a couple rounds of his Andy Rooney impressions honoring Andy’s last appearance on 60 Minutes

A special thanks to Maria Montana for stopping by and bringing the crew a lovely fig and apple crostada. She writes for San Diego Food Finds (

Tonight was a lot of fun and a lot of nonsense–all-in-all a perfect show. We’re back Wednesday so we’ll see you then people.

Guess what? We’re the number #1 rated Food video podcast in iTunes! We owe it all to you you guys, the Livecast nation, so thank you all so much for your support. Tonight’s show was a lot of fun. We kicked off the top of the show with Sam throwing the Jambalaya ingredients into the rice cooker. We then followed with some videos that Sam took of people in the grocery store and discussed proper grocery store etiquette. After that we moved into the benefits of Kewpie Japanese mayo vs. regular mayo, dissected the Reebok commercial that claims they’ll give you a great butt, and finally closed the show with a look at some European street foods (and heard Sam’s accents of the countries they came from). Its our Friday (your Thursday) so we’ll be back next week with a ton more fun! Thanks so much to everybody for driving up the rankings and we’ll be sure to keep delivering the Livecasts that you guys have come to expect. Have a great weekend!